

Overall project architecture

PS: Completed sections are marked in non-grey color. Rest are work in progress.

The project can be separated into 3 python packages:

1. trading-alerts (current package) - this will contain the data pipeline package which will be fledged to collect and enrich the data. Include trading indicator calculation.

2. technical-indicators - all Python methods which calculate indicators including the ones outline in the introduction section will be housed here.

3. tickerdata - this will hold wrappers around APIs used for external data access. For example: with regards to crypto currency data - Binance & CoinGecko APIs will be housed within this package.

Execution model of data pipeline

The first dag that is run is the get_symbols DAG which pulls the top 100 cryptocurrency symbols by market cap from the coingecko API.

Symbol table

This table is updated daily (for now), and helps to capture a daily change in overall investment interest. If a crypto currency suddenly gains public interest it will improve by market cap and if it ranks within the top 100, I’d be interested.

The last_updated_at column and minutely data stored in tickerdata_1m table is used to calculate whether historical/incremental DAG should be run for the symbol.

The historical DAG runs a SQL command to find symbols which are listed in the symbol table but do not have any rows where tickerdata_1m.close_time is within the last month. It then hits the Binance S3 buckets to get monthly zip files of 1m ticker data for each symbol and use our custom Postgres hook to write to the table. The last thing that the DAG will do is update the last_updated_at column in the symbol table.

The incremental DAG will look at the last_updated_at column and calculate the number of Binance API requests that will be required to get data starting from last_updated_at timestamp to current timestamp. It then batches the jobs and creates a Pandas dataframe which will then be written to database. Again, the incremental DAG will update the last_updated_at column as well.

All timestamps in data processing are in UTC timezone.

Dynamic dags

Dynamic graphs are useful when your pipeline depends on varying number of inputs which cannot be fixed while designing the pipeline. For example - a sensor that monitors for a new key in a S3 bucket and hands of the processing to a new DAG once it finds that new file has been created.

Airflow provides a way to launch dynamic graphs via 3 operators - TriggerDagRunOperator, SubDagOperator, ExternalSensor operator. I chose to create dynamic graphs using the SubDagOperator because of the following reasons:

The SubDagOperator creates a hierarchial relationship between parent and child-dags and makes them available on UI via a drill down feature. So this not only allows you to glance at the parent dag status but also lets you “zoom-in” into the status of children dags if you want to. Not only this, but to use SubDagOperator you need a dag factory (a function or a file, which when executed returns a independent DAG) - this sort of brings it together for me.

TriggerDagRunOperator is ideal when you want to run a DAG independent of parent DAG once a condition is met and state history should be shared between the dags. These dags are not grouped under a single view in the UI.

The other alternative is ExternalSensor. It is a special operator whose function is to keep polling for a condition till its met or if it times out. These tend to occupy a worker till the conditoin turns true or operator times out.

So keeping all these things in mind, it was a better alternative to use SubDagOperator than the other two.

Using SubDagOperator a parent DAG can create sub-dag to create historical data extraction DAGs for each coin. These are currently chained as I am operating in a laptop but could be run in parallel using a CeleryExecutor to reduce delays.

historical refresh taskview

The above is a historical refresh for a coinpair taking place. Each sub DAG can be zoomed into the UI to see the progression of tasks within as shown below -

Sub DAG tasks

Below are screenshots of the data pull logs from the Sub-Dag:

Sub DAG logs

Tickerdata package

Structurally, this package will contain a separate Python file for each data source it incorporates and all common functionality will exist modularised in a separate file.

In the cryptocurrency sub-module, two classes exist which provide different type of data - BinanceAPI and CoingeckoAPI. The former’s structure is highlighted here.

class BinanceAPI():
    def __init__(self):

    def get_historical(self, symbol, start_ts=None, end_ts=None, granularity='1m'):

This class once instantiated will help get data between a start and end timestamp.

Similarly, a separate sub-module will be added for each of the NYSE and Shanghai stock exchanges.


Future versions of this package will include DAGs for dimensional modelling and indicator calculations. And, also a FastAPI rest interface to easily build dashboards from.